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Pump Peelz! Accessories for OmniPod, Dexcom G4, and VerioIQ.


It’s been an unbelievable journey since we launched back in August! We’ve had so much help and support from the D Community and I really can’t thank you all enough:-) I have to especially thank Sarah Kaye (check out her blog here) for helping us develop these new products!

The All New Pump Peelz!!     531034_320634468059411_604033445_n

It’s official, we’re back up and running after taking a little hiatus after the holidays to develop some new products. You might notice that we are now working on products for the Dexcom G4VerioIQ, and the 2nd Gen OmniPod. We also have some great new products in the works – but that’s for a later blog!

Thanks to our Facebook friends we were able to learn about the types of designs and products that they cared most about. And of course, we are constantly learning so please give us your feedback – share your stories – and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

So what’s new in the world of Pump Peelz?

Lots of things are new here! But I should start off by thanking by beautiful bride-to-be, Emily, for her love and support through this! She’s the inspiration behind all of these great products and has been a huge help in getting this off the ground! Emily was diagnosed a few years ago and has since created a thriving photography business! Check out her work here:

As for the products, we’ve teamed up with Dexcom to provide really great new products for Dexcom G4 users! Check out this spring design:


We also developed an all new website! We’re now officially Shopify users to help speed up our ordering process! What do you think of the new site?


The new 2nd Gen Pod has proved to be rather tricky to work with! The steep curves created some challenges but we mustered through them to offer a really cool new design! To get the patterns – we used the very scientific method of trial and error with yellow tablet paper!

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And then we had to create some cool renderings to show off the designs!!


Now that we’re off to a new year and a new look, we hope that you enjoy the new products! We’ll be launching new designs every week so keep checking back!

Also, be sure to follow us on Facebooktwitter (@pumppeelz), and check out the new site (


Previous article Elevate Your Diabetes Management with Pump Peelz's 25 Patch Variety Packs on Amazon

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