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Pump Peelz Patch Product Application

For video directions on how to apply your patch in under 60 seconds, click here or on the image below . 


Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare the Patch: Begin on the backing side by folding the patch to locate the creases. Apply gentle pressure along each crease to break the seal. Repeat this process for every crease on the backing until the seal is broken. Ensure all parts are separated by gently tugging the patch.

  2. Begin with the Middle Section: Start with the middle or the largest section. Remove the middle backing, leaving behind two sections to hold onto for placement. The middle area serves as a guide for placement over the transmitter.

  3. Apply Pressure: Slowly apply pressure to the exposed patch area to ensure adherence to the skin. Ensure the patch is positioned correctly over the transmitter.

  4. Remove Backing from Next Section: When ready, carefully remove the backing from the next section. Peel away from the transmitter to allow the patch to stick to the skin.

  5. Repeat the Process: Repeat the above steps until all pieces of the backing are removed, and the patch is successfully adhered to the skin. Take your time to ensure proper alignment and adhesion throughout the process.