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Diabetes Awareness Month is Here!-Pump Peelz

Diabetes Awareness Month is Here!

diabetes awareness month

October seems to usher in the start of the busiest season of the year. It's the transition from Fall to Winter and monthly activities and festivities that bring everyone closer together before ringing in the New Year. 

While October has seemed to fly right past us, November will always be the month that we hold near and dear to our hearts: National Diabetes Awareness Month. As a community, we hold several events during the month to celebrate as well.

On November 1st, the JDRF this year is raising awareness for Type 1 through an online T1D Looks Like Me "Thunderclap" initiative, where you "donate" your social media status to them by allowing them to post a message to your account for you. No need to remember to share - it's done automatically for you as well as all of the others who have signed up, essentially raising a loud voice or presence online to kick off Diabetes Awareness Month.

On November 14th, as always, we all come together - Type 1, Type 2, LADA, etc - to raise awareness and spread as much blue support as possible on World Diabetes Day, either though wearing blue, sharing selfies with blue circles, lighting our houses blue, or even petitioning for monuments to be lit blue - which several have over the years! It's the day we look back and remember where we would be if it weren't for the discovery of insulin by Dr. Fredrik Banting, and wish him a Happy Birthday. Blue cupcakes, anyone?

Throughout the month (from October 14th - November 30th, actually), The Diabetes Hands Foundation (DHF) hosts the BigBlueTest - an initiative to get up and get moving. It's a fun, exciting way to get moving and log activity (at least 14 minutes [in honor of WDD Nov 14th]) and in turn, $1 for every entry is given toward life saving diabetes supplies, education, and services for those in need. So get up, get moving, and hep others out! And it doesn't have to be activity where you dress in workout clothes. You can log a workout by vacuuming the floor or playing ball with the kids. Get creative and get moving!

Along with turning things blue on the 14th, we also celebrate by wearing blue every Friday with the Diabetes Community Advocacy Foundation (DCAF). Granted, it's a year-long initiative, but it is really amped up and rallied for during the month of November. All you have to do is dress in blue, snap a picture, and share it with the hashtag of #BlueFridays. It may not seem like much, but sometimes it's seeing the sea of Blue support that helps others know they are not alone.



Of course, it's also the month of feasting, celebrating, and giving thanks for all that we have and those we have in our lives. Food seems to be a big deal around holidays, doesn't it? Well, it doesn't have to be heavy or carb-loaded if you don't want it to be. One side dish I've never really liked but always seems to be served is Deviled Eggs. I used to think they were "yucky" as a kid, but now that I've gotten older, I've come to really like them. They're almost as versatile as a casserole can be, and provide lots of protein and fat to help balance out blood sugar. Here's my favorite way to prepare them:

  • 4.00 large, Eggs - Whole, raw
  • 1.00 dash, Salt, table
  • 1.00 dash, pepper, black
  • 1.00 tsp, Worchestire Sauce
  • 2.00 Tablespoon, Real Mayonnaise
  • 2.00 tbsp(s), Honey Mustard Sauce
  1. Boil 4 eggs on medium-high heat for approximately 10 minutes. Allow to cool.
  2. Cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the yolks into a bowl. Mix with other ingredients.
  3. Add to a sandwich bag, but off one tip, and pipe into the egg whites.
  4. Chill and serve.

This preparation makes (2) 4 deviled egg servings and has 4g of carb (like, a half carb per piece!) per my recipe calculations on MyFitnessPal. Others have suggested adding Paprika or even crumbled bacon on top! I haven't tried it that way myself but it sounds delish! A deviled egg along side of some baked ham or turkey and maybe some roasted asparagus or other veggies would be an awesome lunch or dinner for me!


We wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and we hope that you have big plans to support and advocate for Diabetes Awareness this month!

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