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Fall Is Here!

Tis the season for colorful leaves rustling around, pumpkin patch fun, hayrides, and of course, all of the seasonal pies and treats! Fun festivities abound with pumpkin carving contests, garage sales, and bake sales that include any possible variety of apple and pumpkin pies that the mind can imagine! Not to mention wonderful, warm Apple Cider too!

My fondest memories as a kid were trips to the mountains in North Carolina around Maggie Valley and Cherokee. The mountains looked like a flowing blanket of beautiful hues of oranges, reds, yellows and greens. There was a distinct smell and feel to the air that could only be described as Fall in my mind - the woodsy, cool and crisp air that would awaken and renew the soul. It’s why Fall is my favorite time of the year. In fact, that’s why I chose October as the month I wanted to get married!

And, of course, it’s October, so we can’t forget Halloween! My family plans costumes for the kids months before now, and a few of us even dress their families up in themed costumes for the family. Last year, my brother in law and his wife were bee-keepers and their baby girl was the bee! How cute!? This year, my nephew and niece who are only 5 months apart are going as Pebbles and Bam Bam. Of course, there’s the task of decorating the Trick-or-Treat buckets for all of those yummy treats they’ll be collecting. Speaking of treats, there are many handy charts going around that show the carb counts for all of the awesome fun-sized candies that we diabetics stock up on. Most are usually 10-15g of carb which is the perfect serving size for treating lows, and this time of year gives us ample variety to choose from (Nerds are my favorites!) Here’s one of my favorite charts by Diabetic Angels on Pinterest



Don’t forget we have the Create Your Own design tool now on our Pump Peelz site that you can use to make the perfect “costume” for your diabetes devices,

or choose from one of our available Halloween designs, such as Candy Corn, Pumpkin Swirl, or my favorite, Spider Web.

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