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Miss Idaho #showmeyourpump


We've had the amazing honor over the past few years to work with Nicole Johnson (former Miss America '99) at her Students with Diabetes Conference in Tampa, Fl. She's truly an inspiration to many people living with diabetes and when we heard that Miss Idaho was also a T1D we were pumped (literally)! Even though Sierra didn't wear the crown last night - it is still an amazing achievement. Just think, there have been two T1D's that have made it to the Miss America contest - how cool is that?


At any rate, we can't help but think how many people out there were moved by Miss Idaho wearing her insulin pump while walking the runway. Our mission at Pump Peelz is to give everyone that same feeling. We want anyone that wears a pump to be proud of who they are and not afraid to show it off.


We can only hope that everyone with a pump out there continues the #showmeyourpump campaign!



Previous article 7 Ways to Make Insulin Pumps Stay on During Exercise

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