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Sensitive Skin and Diabetes Devices

Having diabetes means often means wearing multiple devices attached to our bodies 24/7. Devices like insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors are life saving, but often come at a price of irritating the skin and causing allergic reactions. When we polled our followers on Instagram, 85% reported that they have experienced adverse reactions to adhesive products used to keep their CGM/insulin pump adhered. These numbers are staggering! We reached out to the diabetes community to see what they have done to help solve their reactions to adhesives, these were the most common tips:

*Please note that these tips are not to serve as medical advice, ALWAYS consult with your diabetes care team before making any changes to your care*

1) Use a barrier wipe or barrier spray. Many people with sensitive skin find that products like 3M Cavilon No Sting Barrier Wipes/Spray help to create a thin barrier between their skin and the CGM adhesive. This thin barrier helps to prevent adhesive reactions and many find it also helps their Dexcom/pump adhesive to last longer. 3M Cavilon products can be found on Amazon. 

2) Place a hydroseal bandage between the Dexcom/pump adhesive and your skin. Many of our followers reported that they purchase hydroseal bandages and cut a small hole into the bandage to allow space for the sensor wire/cannula to insert into the skin. If not allergic to the hydroseal adhesive, this allows a complete barrier between your skin and the CGM/pump adhesive that you are reacting to. 

3) Use nasal spray on the skin before applying the Dexcom/pump site. People with diabetes report that their doctor has prescribed them nasal spray to be sprayed directly onto the skin to act as a defense against the potential topical allergic reaction. As with all other ideas listed, please consult with your medical provider before attempting this. 

4) Apply devices directly after bathing with soap and water so avoid alcohol use. People often find that alcohol tends to dry the skin out, contributing to skin irritation. By applying directly to clean and dry skin without alcohol, we have heard from many that this helps to reduce the dryness found in many adhesive rashes. 

5) Find which sites are least reactive and remember to rotate. Often times, we find ourselves resorting to the same sites over and over which can cause further skin breakdown. Remember to always rotate your sites so that you allow your skin to breathe some between sites. 

So, now you have found a way to prevent reactions to the actual product adhesive and your device will not stay adhered for the time required, what next?

This is where it becomes tricky. It can often take much trial and error to find overlay patches that work best for your sensitive skin. That is where Peelz comes in! We have recieved testimonies from countless customers about how our products have saved their skin from painful reactions. We offer two different types of adhesives and many of our customers with sensitive skin have found that one or the other of them has prevented their allergic reactions.

Patch+ is our extended wear adhesive product. It is a thin, stretchy material meant to last 10-15 days on your device. We do not market it for sensitive skin, but many customers with adhesive allergies report that their skin does not react to these! 

Patch Peelz are our more hypoallergenic patch. Patch Peelz are more of a paper tape and are latex free. Though they are not considered extended wear, we have a specific set of instructions on our site and if followed closely, customers find they can get 7-10 days out of each patch! 

Have you had a hard time finding a product that works for your skin? Have you been hesitant to try our product for fear you will spend money on something that will not work with your skin? Email us at hello@pumppeelz.com and we will send you a sample to try! 

Samples of patch+ and Patch Peelz are available to new customers only. Patch Peelz samples are available to customers who have reported an adhesive allergy with our patch+ products. 

Previous article CGM Adhesive Guide: Which Type Works Best?

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